Mount Etna eruption: SHOCK moment volcano spews GIANT ash cloud | World | News

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Italian volcano Mount Etna erupted on Monday afternoon spewing a giant ash cloud into the sky. Mount Etna, at 3,330 metres (10,926 feet), is the highest volcano in mainland Europe and is considered to be one of the most active in the world. On Monday afternoon the volcano erupted rocketing a huge cloud into the skyline above eastern Sicily.


The volcano has been rocked with seismic activity over the last few days and on Wednesday last week spewed ash and lava.

Explosive activity continued at the eastern vent of the Southeast Crater and flowed into the two nearby craters.

The neighbouring craters of the Bocca Nuova and Cratere di Nordest are also active.

Mount Etna produces around seven million tonnes of CO2, water and sulphur dioxide every year and in 2011 spewed nearly 70 million tonnes of lava.

Posting a video of the eruption on social media, one resident warned of the “frightening” volcano.

Etna is in an almost constant state of activity but has remained slightly dormant over the past two years.

The volcano lies above the convergent plate margin between the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

The 700,000-year-old volcano is a huge 24 miles wide and 10,926 feet high.

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